Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

Education technology (EdTech) is one of the few industries experiencing a sharp upward demand, reinforcing its potential for profitability and the role it can play in societal wellbeing.

The global spreading of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has required drastic regulations in an effort to contain it. One of the first compulsory measures taken by affected countries has been the closure of all schools. The sudden adjustments of educational processes and altered dynamics between all involved parties - schools, teachers, students and parents – are challenging familiar routines and threatening crucial public objectives. Accordingly, the World Bank has commissioned its EdTech expertise team to support policymakers worldwide in facilitating the continuation of basic education by adapting to modern technologies.

EdTech’s practical value has hence rapidly improved from its pre-pandemic standing. Previously considered an option for quality education and a supplement to traditional schooling systems, it is now essential for preserving a progressing society.

Institutions previously working with digitalized education platforms have already benefitted during the COVID-19 crisis from their contemporary approach. These schools smoothly mastered the sudden transition to homeschooling, easing the adjustment process for students and parents. Their early investment in equipment and software and in coaching of educational staff has allowed them to continue their operations with minimal interruption.

Investors have long identified the windows of opportunity offered by technology in the classrooms. However, its recent unprecedented expansion highlights even more its sustainable profitability. “So far only 2 to 3% of the 5 trillion USD spent globally on education is digital. This, combined with EdTech’s sudden vital role during COVID-19 and the significant differences seen up to now in its geographical investments, intensify the previously unseized global growth opportunities”, says Dr. Kirill Pyshkin, Fund Manager at Credit Suisse Asset Management.


As mentioned in paragraph 2, the following are affected by the sudden adjustments of educational processes, EXCEPT __________.

Đáp án đúng là: D
Giải thích
Như đã đề cập trong đoạn 2, những điều sau đây bị ảnh hưởng bởi những điều chỉnh đột ngột của quy trình giáo dục, NGOẠI TRỪ __________.
A. giáo viên
B. học sinh
C. cha mẹ
D. các nhà hoạch định chính sách
=> Theo thông tin trong bài như sau:
“The sudden adjustments of educational processes and altered dynamics between all involved parties - schools, teachers, students and parents – are challenging familiar routines and threatening crucial public objectives.”
(Những điều chỉnh đột ngột của quy trình giáo dục và sự thay đổi động lực giữa tất cả các bên liên quan - nhà trường, giáo viên, học sinh và phụ huynh - đang thách thức những thói quen quen thuộc và đe dọa các mục tiêu công cộng quan trọng.) => Bằng phương pháp loại trừ, ta chọn D.